Postural Reeducation     

Postural Reeducation therapies are directed towards retraining the body to come into alignment in order to change faults within an individual's posture and movement patterns. Learning how the body moves affects its physiological structure and functioning and can improve coordination and balance and relieve stress.

A major principle of Postural Reeducation therapies is th awareness that the therapeutic movement prescribed needs to be experienced rather than simply taught. Long appreciated and utilized by singers, dancers and actors, the Alexander technique, along with its offshoot therapies of Feldenkrais and Trager, has taught many people how to use their bodies more efficiently. 

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Alexander Technique     

Feldendrais     » top of this page

Trager Therapy     » top of this page

Trager body work, also known as Trager Psychophysical Integration, aims to alleviate neuromuscular patterns that interfere with the natural movement of the body. These blockages may come from emotional or physical trauma, poor posture, or simply daily stress. Gentle, rocking massage is used to help release the body's harmful "holding" patterns. Clients are usually given a series of exercises to do at home that are intended to recreate the sensory feelings experienced during the sessi9on with the Trager practitioner. 

The aim of Trager is to greak throught the coscious awareness of the client so that positive results continue to ocdur long after the sessions. To accomplish this, it is important that the practitioner and the client establish a strong, trusting communication. 

This style of treatment was developed by Dr. Milton Trage. It first gained recognition at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Certified practitioners can be found in Europe and the United States.

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