This powder-like substance produced by flowering plants is eagerly gathered by bees. In supplemental form this substance, known as bee pollen, is a rich source of nutrients. Among these are the B-vitamins, Vitamin C, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes, carotenes, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, and protein.

Bee pollen has antimicrobial properties and has been thought to contribute to a variety of health benefits.1 Some have speculated this substance may slow the aging process, inhibiting the development of degenerative diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and heart disease. Other potential benefits include increased energy, heightened immune response, the alleviation of stress, the regulation of bowels, and the restoration of healthy skin. Bee pollen has also been speculated as relief for allergies and a player in controlling weight.

Propolis refers to the substances bees gather from plants which is used to make their hives. In supplemental form, propolis is a potent antibacterial, and is often used externally for wounds. There is some evidence that this substance is helpful in reducing inflammation and various throat problems, including tonsillitis.2 Bee propolis is also considered an immune enhancer, meaning it strengthens the immune system to some extent.
