Brewer's yeast is a nutrient-packed supplement grown from hops. Brewer's yeast can be added to juice or water for increased energy and improved sugar metabolism. It has also been indicated in the treatment of eczema, heart problems, gout, nervousness, and fatigue.1 A rich source of nutrients, brewer's yeast is thought to boost the immune system and enhance mental and physical performance.2 For this reason it may be a wise adjunct to cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy. Patients undergoing these treatments frequently suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

Brewer's yeast is also used as a skin softener. It contains compounds which promote skin revitalization by assisting in the formation of collagen, connective tissue, and capillaries. Specifically, brewer's yeast contains the polysaccharide glucan, which facilitates wound and burn healing through its skin respiratory factor (SRF).3 This supplement has been used in the treatment of dry skin and hemorrhoids.

Because brewer's yeast has a high phosphorous content, it should be taken with extra calcium and avoided by those with osteoporosis. Those with yeast allergies or candidiasis should also avoid this supplement. Nutritional brewer's yeast is preferable to baker's yeast. The latter contains live yeast organisms which can actually deplete the body of nutrients.
