Alfalfa is an herb with an excellent supply of vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll. Alfalfa is helpful in ulcers, gastritis, liver problems, eczema, alleviates arthritis pain and hemorrhoids. This herb can also relieve high blood pressure, constipation, and foul breath and body odors. Additional possible applications include infections, asthma, anemia, and even cancer. The herb possesses antifungal properties and stimulates the pituitary gland. The chlorophyll content may be responsible for the variety of health benefits.


These supplements, derived from young wheat and barley plants prior to grain development, are rich source of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

Barley grass is thought to aid stomach and duodenum problems, and to be beneficial in treating pancreatitis. Barley grass acts as an anti-inflammatory and has also exhibited antioxidant effects. It is a rich source of calcium, iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-12, flavonoids, and other nutrients. Research shows this supplement can help prevent the harmful effects of X-rays and chemical pollution.

Supplemental wheatgrass is a speculated cancer inhibitor. It has also been used in the treatment of mental disorders.


Kamut is a non-hybrid grass which originates in the Nile region of Egypt. Available as a supplement, kamut grass is an abundant source of chlorophyll, proteins, lipids, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. In fact, kamut is higher in many of these nutrients than wheatgrass. Kamut is currently available with alfalfa in juice form.
