SHIITAKE: (Lentinus edodes)

In Asia, the shiitake mushroom is commonly used for conditions associated with aging and sexual disorders. Unlike reishi, there has been extensive research conducted on the shiitake, mainly in Japan. Research indicates that the shiitake works to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, shrink tumors, and combat bacteria and viruses.5 Shiitake contains the polysaccharide lentinan, which is thought to be responsible for its immune-enhancing effects. The noted benefits of this mushroom have lead to speculation about its use in the treatment of AIDS and cancer.6

The shiitake is the medicinal mushroom used most frequently against cancer. It has been found to reduce the size of tumors and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy.7 It is also thought that the lentinan polysaccharide content of this mushroom may contribute to better results after breast cancer surgery.8 In Japan, lentinan is now an approved drug used as an adjunctive treatment in chemotherapy.

Shiitake is often included in herbal preparation supplements. An average dose is 500mg taken two to three times a day. In supplemental form, shiitake and reishi mushrooms are available in capsule, tablet, tincture, and extract form. They are often combined with other immune-enhancing herbs.
